Terms and conditions of travel
Read our terms and conditions here.
Terms and conditions of travel
Our timetable is subject to change at short notice. Passengers are responsible for familiarising themselves with the prevailing departure times. The company cannot be held liable for incorrect departure times issued by travel agencies, other travellers, bus terminals, etc. Updated departure times can be found on our website. Passengers are also responsible for familiarising themselves with any changes regarding bus stops. They are also responsible for familiarising themselves with the bus’s direction of travel and final destination.
Passengers must ensure that they arrive in good time for the bus departure at the relevant bus stop. Departure times from Værnes can vary due to early or late flight arrivals, technical problems and other matters outside our control. In the event of any delay lasting longer than 60 minutes, travel will be free. Passengers are responsible for being on board the bus upon departure. Departures from Værnes will be adjusted to the actual arrival time of flights.
Delays at the airport terminal
We cannot be held liable for passengers being delayed due to immigration or customs inspections, etc. In such situations, the passenger can advise immigration/customs that they are travelling to Trondheim by bus and immigration or customs can notify the bus driver to this effect. The bus driver may, at their discretion, decide to delay the departure of the bus for a few minutes.
This also applies to delays resulting from lost or delayed baggage and other situations that result in passengers not reaching the scheduled bus departure, etc.
Local traffic
The Værnes Express Bus does not carry local traffic. This means that there is no alighting before Værnes from Trondheim and no boarding after departure from Værnes. The Værnes Express Bus is not permitted to change its route beyond the authorised route.
Unaccompanied children
Children travelling alone should be of school age and be able to look after themselves. In exceptional circumstances, the bus driver can accept younger children. In such a case, a parent/guardian should be on or waiting by the bus until departure time. A parent/guardian must also be at the arrival point in good time before the bus arrives. Upon boarding the bus, the child should bring a note with the name, address and telephone number of both the sender and the receiver. The parent/guardian is wholly responsible for their child travelling alone by bus.
Lost property
As far as possible, we will take care of any lost property. However, passengers are responsible for any postage costs and other associated costs. The company cannot be held liable for lost property, including items such as wallets, credit cards, etc. All other lost property will be disposed of by Unibuss Ekspress after two weeks. This is because we are not permitted to deliver other types of lost property to Trondheim police station.
Hand baggage stored in the baggage rack, the luggage compartment, on the passenger’s lap or under the seat is carried free of charge. Additional luggage (one suitcase/bag up to 30 kg and one item of hand baggage per passenger) is carried free of charge. Luggage exceeding 30 kg will be regarded as extra luggage (as of 18 January 2023, NOK 50.00 per item). Passengers are wholly liable for their own luggage during the entire journey. The company cannot be held liable for loss or damage to luggage that is carried free of charge, unless it can be demonstrated that the loss/damage was caused intentionally or as a result of gross negligence on the part of one of our employees. Lost goods or luggage will not be replaced. Also, the company cannot be held liable for luggage placed in the bus at bus stops or terminals without supervision or luggage placed in the bus by passengers who, for one reason or another, do not travel on the bus.
Conveyance of animals
The company is under no obligation to convey animals (dogs/cats, etc.) The driver may require an animal to be removed if it is a nuisance to other passengers, for example, people with allergies.
Guide dogs for the blind and police service dogs, together with police in uniform, shall be prioritised and are carried free of charge.
Small dogs placed in baskets or cages, that do not require a separate seat, are carried free of charge. Otherwise, the child rate is payable.
Dogs must be kept on a lead and placed in such a way that they do not bother other passengers.
Bicycles, skis, etc.
Bicycles can be accepted if and when there is space available for them on the relevant departure. If a bicycle has its own carrying case, it will be regarded as a package, whereas a bicycle on its own will be regarded as special goods and will be charged at the child rate. Skis that are to be carried in the luggage compartment of the bus will be regarded as an item similar to a suitcase. Skis and ski poles must be tied together.
Collapsible pushchairs may be carried, space permitting. For carry cots and other items that require their own seat, the child rate is payable.
Passengers are responsible for ensuring that they have received the correct ticket and change. Refunds must take place at the point of purchase. The driver cannot cancel a ticket but can provide the passenger with contact information for the Værnes Express Bus. Purchased tickets or unused return tickets cannot be refunded, replaced or exchanged.
Tickets and validity
Single tickets are valid for one (1) journey on the date they are purchased, regardless of the time of travel on the relevant day.
Up to four children under 16 years of age travel free of charge on the Værnes Express Bus when accompanied by an adult purchasing an ordinary ticket. Child tickets are valid from 4–16 years of age.
Our buses carry child seats for children who are able to sit upright. Baby seats are available at Værnes and Trondheim upon request.
The Værnes Express Bus offers reduced-rate tickets for passengers who have reached 67 years of age and who are in possession of a valid senior citizen card as well as passengers who are blind or deaf-blind. Reduced rate tickets do not apply to companions.
For carry cots and other items that require their own seat, the child rate is payable. Guide dogs for the blind and police dogs are carried free of charge.
Ticket inspection
Both Unibuss Ekspress’ own employees and hired-in staff frequently conduct ticket inspections. If a passenger does not have time to purchase a ticket, they should notify the bus staff or ticket inspector.
Purchase of a ticket gives the right of conveyance. Tickets shall be purchased or registered upon boarding, unless another means of payment has been agreed upon. Passengers are responsible for ensuring that they have received the correct ticket and change. As far as possible, refunds must take place at the point of purchase.
Tickets must be retained during the entire journey and must be presented to bus staff or ticket inspectors upon request.
Passengers who are unable to submit a valid ticket will be liable to pay a surcharge corresponding to twice the rate of a single ticket for the distance travelled but which shall never be less than NOK 300. Travel cards that are misused or attempted to be misused will be confiscated by bus staff or ticket inspectors. A receipt will be issued.
Passengers who refuse to pay the surcharge or who refuse to surrender a travel card may be reported to the police, cf. Section 403 of the Criminal Code.
In accordance with Section 33 of the Norwegian Professional Transport Act no. 45, passengers without a valid ticket can be detained.
Tickets on the Værnes Express Bus are to be purchased in Norwegian kroner – NOK or with a bank card.
Terms and conditions for the travel guarantee.
The Værnes Express Bus offers a travel guarantee. Additional buses will run on an as-need basis. In such an event and other events that fall outside ordinary traffic management and conditions, there may be delays.
The Værnes Express Bus is an independent transport company. This means that if a passport is lost, a flight cancelled or other factors arise that means a passenger has to return on the same bus, a ticket will need to be purchased in the normal way. Any costs and other issues related to air travel/airport must be taken up with the individual airline company.
The guarantee will not apply if the delay or cancellation is attributable to circumstances over which the bus company has no control, such as statutory rulings and proscriptions, strikes and similar, natural disasters, extreme weather conditions (for example, heavy snowfall, landslides, floods or exceptionally slippery roads), roadworks or unpredictable problems along the road as well as major events or other traffic conditions that significantly affect public transport.
The Værnes Express Bus will use the GPS tracking system fitted to the bus to verify any delay when the bus arrives at Trondheim Airport Værnes. This will apply to use of the travel guarantee.
Persons with reduced mobility
Persons with reduced mobility who require special assistance must contact Unibuss Ekspress’ support department two working days before travel in order to ensure a seat is reserved for them and that they receive the necessary assistance.
Seat belts
Passengers have a statutory obligation to wear seat belts if they are fitted, cf. paragraph 23 a of the Road Traffic Act, as well as the provision of 21/09 1979 no. 7 “Use of safety equipment when driving a motor vehicle”. Passengers will be fined if they do not comply with this regulation.
Smoking and the use of intoxicants
Smoking is not permitted on our buses. The consumption of alcoholic beverages and all other intoxicants is strictly forbidden.
The driver may refuse entry to passengers who appear to be under the influence of intoxicants or who, in some other way, could cause discomfort to other passengers. Passengers who behave improperly or who, in some other way, disturb other passengers may be asked to leave the bus if they do not comply with the instructions of the driver.
Complaints and enquiries
Complaints to the company concerning the Værnes Express Bus and other enquiries of a legal nature must be in either Norwegian or English. Responses to any complaints will be in either Norwegian or English. Reference is also made to “Terms and conditions for transport by scheduled bus traffic in Norway”, approved by the Ministry of Transport on 27 February 2004.